Image: Agriculture at SMAK Oetuke

Agroforestry Initiative

Agroforestry Initiative Oetuke is a permaculture project rooted in the belief that the health of our community begins with the health of our land. In Oetuke, we face the pressing issue of stunting due to nutritional deficiencies, a problem that largely stems from the lack of variety in local produce.

Our initiative aims to turn this around by embracing the principles of agroforestry, an agricultural method that combines the cultivation of trees, crops, and livestock in a mutually beneficial system. By integrating a diverse range of fruits and vegetables into our local landscape, we aim to create a rich, sustainable source of nutrition to serve our community, particularly schools where proper nutrition is pivotal for children’s development.

Through the Agroforestry Initiative Oetuke, we aim to nourish our land, our people, and our future. This project isn’t just about growth in the agricultural sense; it’s about cultivating health, knowledge, and resilience in our community. By rooting our actions in the principles of permaculture, we seek to create a sustainable, vibrant, and nutritious landscape that will benefit Oetuke for generations to come.

Species Profile

Towering Trees: Our landscapes are adorned with majestic coconut trees, nutritious Moringa, and the uniquely flavored Soursop.

Bountiful Bushes and Low Trees: Our ground level is lush with the tropical charm of banana and papaya trees, punctuated by the vibrant bursts of our orange trees.

Diverse Plant Species: Sweet potato, peanuts, and tomatoes add richness to our fields, with aubergines and kale offering a vibrant mix of textures and flavors. Onions, garlic, and chilli contribute a spice element, while the sweetness in our diverse range comes from melons and pineapples.



The first stage of our project will bring life to an area spanning one hectare. Here, a variety of nutrient-rich trees and crops will be planted in harmony, leveraging the benefits of each species to create a thriving ecosystem that is more than the sum of its parts. Our focus will not only be on immediate dietary needs but also on planting for the future, ensuring a continual supply of nutritious produce for years to come.

Following the success of our initial efforts, we plan to expand onto a second hectare, further increasing the diversity and quantity of produce available to our community.

We are currently looking for land for the first stage.