Image: Bamboo in Kot'olin

Bamboo Innovations Kot’olin

Bamboo Innovations Kot’olin is a local initiative born out of a keen awareness of the untapped potential of our abundant bamboo resources in the Kot’olin region. Despite the wealth of bamboo, it’s a resource that has remained largely underutilized, especially in construction and furniture-making.

Drawing inspiration from leaders in the field such as IBUKU and Bamboo U, Bamboo Innovations Kot’olin is committed to exploring the remarkable possibilities that lie within this sustainable material. Our focus is on creating durable and eco-friendly construction materials and furniture, demonstrating the versatility of bamboo.

The primary goal of our project is to provide sustainable furniture for the education center in Kot’olin, paving the way for future initiatives. We are driven by a broader vision of not only utilizing bamboo to its full potential but also kindling economic activity in a region where there’s room for development.

By venturing into the transformation of bamboo into useful, attractive commodities, we aim to stimulate local industry and offer opportunities for job creation. In turn, this can foster economic growth and contribute to building a sustainable and prosperous future for Kot’olin.

Bamboo Innovations Kot’olin isn’t just about bamboo—it’s about the community, sustainable innovation, and the belief that responsible use of local resources can bring about meaningful change. We’re excited about the journey ahead and the potential to transform Kot’olin through the power of sustainable innovation.


The Factory is located 70 meters north of the Education Center Kot’olin at Nunboko.


Project paused.