Education Center Kot'olin
Welcome to the Education Center Kot’olin, a place of learning and growth in the heart of Timor Island, Indonesia. We are located in a region where the need for education is great and our goal is to fill that gap.
We are focused on setting up a foundation of education here in Kot’olin, a village in the East Nusa Tenggara province. Our mission is simple: to make quality education accessible to this community, to equip them with skills, and to encourage sustainable development.
We started this journey with the goal of providing an educational hub in one of the most remote and least developed regions in Indonesia. Our initiatives range from building a kindergarten to launching English language classes and promoting sustainable living through our permaculture/agroforestry project.
In the long term, we aim to create an impact that goes beyond the classroom. We strive to promote health, protect the environment, and instill a sense of responsibility towards our community.
Here at the Education Center Kot’olin, we’re not just teaching subjects; we’re preparing the next generation for a sustainable future. We’re helping students to learn, grow, and pass on their knowledge to future generations. We’re building a culture of learning and development, right here, where it’s needed the most.
Timor is an island located 1000 km east of Bali in the East Nusa Tenggara province, which has one of the lowest levels of education in Indonesia. Since we want to help where it is most needed, this is the optimal place to build an education center.
Altitude of the land: 800 m AMSL
Climate: tropical with dry and wet season
Population of Kot’olin: about 8’000
Spoken languages: Indonesian, Bahasa Dawan
Country: Indonesia
Province: Nusa Tenggara Timur
Island: Timor
Regency: Central-South Timor
District: Kot’olin
Village: Kot’olin
Village district: Taenunuh
Name of the place: Nunboko
Coordinates: -9.947677, 124.599887
Empower Generations Indonesia is a charity providing quality education and promoting sustainable development in remote Indonesia.
IBAN: CH02 0839 3053 9833 4714 6
Empower Generations Indonesia
Vorholzstrasse 48
3800 Unterseen